- 작성일
- 2024.07.03
- 수정일
- 2024.07.03
- 작성자
- 이혜영
- 조회수
- 422
2024.07.12.(금) (박미라교수 / 을지대학교)
아래와 같이 초청특강을 개최하니 관심있는 여러분의 많은참석 부탁드립니다.
1. 일시 : 2024년 7월 12일(금), 오후 4시-
2. 장소 : 통계학과 스마트강의실 (자연대연구실험동 222호)
3. 연사 : 박미라 교수 (을지대학교, 의예과)
4. 연제 : Visualizing Environmental and Genetic Links to Disease
Deciphering the complex relationships between diseases, genes, and environmental factors is challenging, requiring intuitive representation through advanced visualization techniques. This study aims to introduce graph-based methods for representing these associations. Among various approaches, we highlight methodologies based on biplots and network analysis. Specifically, we will introduce the GGE biplot method, which is a graphical display that simultaneously represents the effects of both genotypes and environments.
We also propose a methodology using multipartite networks. Although one-mode network analysis is commonly used, it often fails to capture comprehensive information, such as gene-disease pairs or genes associated with the same environmental factors. To address this limitation, we utilize multipartite network analysis. This approach features a network composed of mutually exclusive sets of nodes, with edges connecting nodes across different sets. We also explore compressed relationships within sets through multi-level projections. We propose two types of projections for deriving unipartite projections: sequential projection and concurrent projection.
Applying this methodology to the Korean Association Resource (KARE) project, which includes 327,872 SNPs from 8,840 individuals, we considered three distinct datasets: genetic factors, environmental factors, and components of Metabolic Syndrome. The resulting multipartite network and its lower mode projections provided valuable insights into both direct and indirect relationships, enhancing our understanding of the intricate interplay between genetic and environmental influences on disease.